
" What we are today is result of our own past actions ;

Whatever we wish to be in future depends on our present actions;

Decide how you have to act now.

We are responsible for what we are , whatever we wish ourselves to be .

We have the power to make ourselves.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Ways to Build Commitment & Positive Attitudes

• Make a list of the things that your boss can do or say that would encourage you be engaged and involved at work. Use this list as a reminder of what you can do to help build others’ commitment.

• Never forget – people support what they help create! Even though it’s just common sense, it’s still an underutilized lesson. When people understand what’s expected and feel like they have contributed to the process, they are many times more likely to be committed to getting the desired results. So when making plans and identifying tasks to perform, ask people What do YOU suggest?

• Each day, ask a team member for something that’s going right. This habit encourages people to look for the positive things that are happening and reinforces what is working.

• Don’t “shoot the messenger.” Instead, make it safe for people to convey bad news that needs to be heard. Say, Thank you for telling me what I needed to know. By eliminating fear, you build trust and commitment for open and honest communication.

• Don’t punish good, committed performers by repeatedly giving them hard-to-do tasks that other people don’t want and therefore don’t put good effort into. Yes, good workers will get it done and do it well. But if you fail to hold others responsible for doing these things, soon even the best performers will likely develop a “bad attitude” about doing them.

• Reinforce good attitudes and fulfilled commitments by getting a LEG up on recognition:

o Look them in the eye

o Explain specifically what they did well

o Give them a great big “Thank You!”

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