
" What we are today is result of our own past actions ;

Whatever we wish to be in future depends on our present actions;

Decide how you have to act now.

We are responsible for what we are , whatever we wish ourselves to be .

We have the power to make ourselves.

Friday, March 12, 2010


1. Build their confidence by increasing their responsibilities. Start small and then increase as they achieve success. Sometimes employees are unsure of their ability to excel. Allow them to discover their “hidden” talents and encourage them to exceed their own expectations.

2. Give frequent and accurate performance feedback. Be specific. Clearly explain what is required for them to become super stars on the team.

3. Teach them how to set goals to keep their performance on track. And, by all means, hold them accountable for those goals.

4. “Catch” them doing good things, and then praise them. The more you focus on finding the good, the more good you will find … and the more they will do! Reinforced behavior becomes repeated behavior.

5. Hook them up with a super star for mentoring. An effective mentoring program provides middle stars with positive role models and encourages super stars to be even more involved. That’s a good deal for everybody!

6. Create rewards that appeal to their personal values. Maybe you are rewarding team members in ways that you like to be rewarded – and it is not working for them. They will be happy to tell you what motivates them ... if you’ll just ask.

Often, it’s the “small things” you do that will inspire middle stars to become super stars – things like remembering facts about them and their family; asking their opinions on job-related matters; showing empathy when they’re facing a personal crisis; taking the time to listen to them; or merely doing something special when they need a boost. These are, by the way, things that should be done with and for ALL employees.

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