
" What we are today is result of our own past actions ;

Whatever we wish to be in future depends on our present actions;

Decide how you have to act now.

We are responsible for what we are , whatever we wish ourselves to be .

We have the power to make ourselves.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Office Pest ; The Whiner

The Whiner

The whiner complains so much about work, you’d think it was part of his official job description. His rants, which are sometimes amusing, have begun to take their toll and are demoralizing his co-workers.

This person fears conflict and confrontation. These types of people have problems taking responsibility for their complaints, needs, wants and frustrations. They’re also often angry folks—like dogs who attack when a person turns away.

Whiners stop complaining when people deny them an audience. Co-workers can choose to react to rants with a deadpan face or platitudes such as, “Ah, he who is without sin, cast the first stone.” Employees can also agree on a uniform response such as, “And your purpose in telling me this is?”
You could also treat the whiner like an adult and say, “I’d be glad to help you identify who owns this problem and help you brainstorm possible solutions.” Another response could be, “Let me get the boss and we can hash this out once and for all.”

The whiner complains so much about work, you’d think it was part of his official job description. His rants, which are sometimes amusing, have begun to take their toll and are demoralizing his co-workers.
On working with the whiner

This person fears conflict and confrontation. These types of people have problems taking responsibility for their complaints, needs, wants and frustrations. They’re also often angry folks—like dogs who attack when a person turns away.Whiners stop complaining when people deny them an audience. Co-workers can choose to react to rants with a deadpan face or platitudes such as, “Ah, he who is without sin, cast the first stone.” Employees can also agree on a uniform response such as, “And your purpose in telling me this is?”
You could also treat the whiner like an adult and say, “I’d be glad to help you identify who owns this problem and help you brainstorm possible solutions.” Another response could be, “Let me get the boss and we can hash this out once and for all.”

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