
" What we are today is result of our own past actions ;

Whatever we wish to be in future depends on our present actions;

Decide how you have to act now.

We are responsible for what we are , whatever we wish ourselves to be .

We have the power to make ourselves.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Top characteristics

Top 10 Characteristics of Ethical Leaders and Values-Driven Organizations

1. High Values AwarenessValues are regularly communicated and discussed to ensure awareness and understanding throughout the organization.

2. High Values AccountabilityPeople are evaluated on values-driven practices as well as results—with zero tolerance for conscious values violations.

3. Leadership By ExampleLeaders earn the right to expect others to do things by doing those things themselves.

4. Values-Driven DecisionMakingDecisions are checked to ensure they are in accord with organizational values BEFORE they are implemented.

5. In Sync Policies and ProceduresRules, policies, and practices are evaluated to ensure they reflect and support organizational values.

6. Values-Driven EducationTraining and other developmental activities teach people how to demonstrate ethics and apply organizational values.

7. Attention To PerceptionsClimate surveys and other perception-collecting activities are important components of organizational assessment and change strategies.

8. Steady, Incremental ChangeEmphasis is placed on many small improvements rather than quick-fix fads and “programs of the year.”

9. Values-Based SelectionThe degree to which people subscribe to and practice organizational values is a key criterion in hiring and promotion decisions.

10. Encouraged InitiativePeople are rewarded forWalking The Talk rather than complaining, pointing fingers, or waiting for others to take the first step.

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