• Is the meeting necessary? That’s the first question to ask and answer. Before calling a meeting, make sure it has a purpose. Routine meetings – meetings that occur simply because they always happen every Monday at 10:00 a.m. – are not a good investment unless they fulfill or advance your objective.
• At least 24 hours before the meeting, distribute an agenda addressing four important attendee questions: 1) Why am I investing time in this meeting? 2) How long will it last? 3) Who’s attending? 4) What’s the purpose, goals, and expectations?
• Make the meeting short. Most managers say at least one-half of their meeting time is wasted. That averages out to 5 hours per week, 250 hours per year for each person involved. Wow! Make it a goal to cut your meeting time in half. If people are prepared before they arrive, most meetings could be accomplished in half the time.
• Make a point to start on time. If people come in late, ignore them and keep going. Don’t recap what’s already covered. If you do, you’re simply rewarding the tardy person and punishing on-time folks.
• If it’s not important they hear what is scheduled for the rest of the meeting, consider offering participants the option of leaving after they have completed their portion.
• Meeting’s over. But wait! Do you really think everyone knows what they’re supposed to do next? Don’t assume anything! Before leaving the meeting, recap so everyone knows who’s responsible for any next steps, when action should take place, and how results will be communicated.
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