Choose the Right Medium for Your Message
The general rule of thumb is: The more impersonal the information to be conveyed, the more impersonal the method of conveying it. For instance, if you want to set the time and date for a meeting, email or text message is fine. If you’re giving directions to an event, same thing. When all you’re conveying is facts or data, using impersonal modes of communication is appropriate.
The converse is also true: The more personal or sensitive the information to be conveyed, the more personal the medium should be. For instance, if you need to discuss salary or benefits with someone, a face-to-face conversation is always best. Second best choice would be the telephone. You do NOT want to discuss things like salary in an impersonal way – like via email.
It’s the same with emotional issues – topics about which you or others have strong feelings. If you’ve offended someone – pick up the phone and call them. If you’re disappointed in someone else – pick up the phone and call them. Better yet, go see them! Resolving conflicts or misunderstandings are almost always done better in person or on the phone. You need the personal touch.
It is very tempting in these days of instant computer messaging and all sorts of fast, easy ways to communicate, to just use the convenient, fastest way. Don’t do it!
Consider how personal your message is; think about the person(s) on the receiving end; carefully choose a mode of communication that suits the message AND recipient.
The newest computer can merely compound, at speed, the oldest problem in the relations between human beings, and in the end the communicator will be confronted with the old problem of what to say and how to say it.
~Edward R. Murrow
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