
" What we are today is result of our own past actions ;

Whatever we wish to be in future depends on our present actions;

Decide how you have to act now.

We are responsible for what we are , whatever we wish ourselves to be .

We have the power to make ourselves.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Of Ducks and Squirrels

One of the things I always encounter during my training is participants coming up to me and telling me that they wished they had my oratory and speaking skills. And I always have this feeling that my skills made them feel inadequate. I usually tell them that they could also improve their skills by going for training and practicing. At the same time, I also reassure them by saying that they may not have my skills but they most probably have skills that I would love to have too. For example, this participant of mine was an accomplished pianist. When I heard he was an 8th grade pianist, I told him that if I saw him play, I would most certainly go up to him and say, “How I wish I had your piano playing skills”

The point I am making is that we are all different with our different skills sets and talents. We must never allow the skills and talents of other people to make us feel small or insecure. Using a metaphor, we can be ducks or squirrels. So if you are a duck and you see a squirrel climb a tree easily, admire them, applaud them, but never allow the tree climbing skills of the squirrel to make you feel inferior, inadequate or incompetent. Never make comparisons! You are a special and unique person. Accept the fact that you were never made for tree climbing. Have pride in the fact that you are a duck and do what you do best which is swimming. There are many out there who would give an arm and a leg for your swimming skills including the squirrel!!!

So be proud of your own talents and skills. Importantly, be at peace with yourself; accept and love yourself for what you are. And when that happens, I assure you happiness will come rushing through your door!!

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