
" What we are today is result of our own past actions ;

Whatever we wish to be in future depends on our present actions;

Decide how you have to act now.

We are responsible for what we are , whatever we wish ourselves to be .

We have the power to make ourselves.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Ways to Get More Done in Less Time

Categorize your TO DO list into A, B, and C priorities. “A” priorities are the activities that are critical to your success. “B” priorities are important but not critical. “C” priorities would be nice to do if you get the time. Begin with your “A” priorities and work your way down to the “nice to do” items.

“Perfection paralysis” is expensive. Sometimes it is not worth the effort to make things “perfect.” Take a look at the time costs involved and weigh these against the benefits of perfection. Often, second best in operation is better than first best still on the drawing board.

Never say “yes” without considering the time investment you are committing to. Having the courage to (tactfully) say “no” to requests that are inappropriate or unnecessary could be your most effective time management tool!

Tempted to constantly check your e-mails? Don’t do it! Once or twice daily is usually enough. E-mails can be a habitual distraction – include them in your work schedule but don’t let them control your day.

Make sure every meeting you call is absolutely necessary. Routine meetings are not a good investment unless they fulfill, or move forward, your objective.

Want to make a positive difference in others’ time management? Ask your peers and subordinates, “What do I do that wastes your time and hinders your performance?” Then, make a sincere effort to STOP doing those things!

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