We reach the unreachable by making it happen little by little, is like walking in front of a dragon, waiting for the best conditions in order to walk very slowly in front of him. But in the path to success, what is the meaning of slowly? We are going to illustrate it here.
One of the most interesting stories happened in this coastal city. The weather was good, the sea was calmed, the wind was soft. Then the people of this town decided to make a race and many became most interested, and from one day to the other, there were many sailboats in the sea, but only one of them was not at sea, it took him two days to sail and then the sailboat went to the sea.That very same day, the weather conditions changed, the sea became tough, the wind stronger and with crossed currents, then, all the sailboats sank, the people fell to the water, while seven sailboats were lost.
But the latest to ship was prepared for this match because he knew that at that time of the year, many natural changes occurred. And the last to leave, could pick up the shipwrecks still alive, and he was the only one who returned to the port. These persons were grateful and saddened at the same time and when they got to the shore, they said to him: " We thought that you would lose the race, but now the facts and things are different
You are not only the winner but a hero who has saved us all. But what was the reason of what you did, how did you know, whom did you consult, are you maybe a magician or fortune teller?" And he said: " I was also in suspense but I learned from my mistakes. There is a superior word that is better than magic, better than good luck; and I learned this from an old captain, who when he realized my errors, told me:
" Look, we are all like you when we start, we are reckless navigators, without fear, but you must consider beforehand, what can happen.
I am going to give you a great secret, this secret has hands, but does not have feet, and it will help you a great deal.But you always must carry it, otherwise, it would be like walking in the darkness with an unlit torch. I will give it to you, it is like a seed, that you must cultivate, care, treasure and develop. He then, gave me a coin and said: This coin has its worth but the word can guide you if you want to, and in that case, it will take you to the greatest of success.
I read the word and the word said: "Prevention."I did not understand it at the beginning but after some reflection, I realized that I had been acting without taking into account the changes that might happen.That was what I learned, and that was the reason that I did not leave in the first moment but stayed observing the beach, and very soon the sea was getting tough, out of control, I then got prepared, put the strongest ropes, took the rescue equipment and that is why we are here now.
If there is somebody to thank for, is not me, but the one who taught me and showed me, that great treasure. And luckily another thing happened, I asked that captain: What will I get with that word? And he answered: " If you cultivate prevention, you will achieve what is impossible for most people."
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