“Pressure is a word that is misused in our vocabulary. When you start thinking of pressure, it's because you've started to think of failure.” Tommy Lasorda
How do you deal with pressure? Now I’m not talking about the nervousness you feel when thinking about the exam you are going to take later this week or fretting about whether or not your car is going to start in the morning. Nor am I talking about the anxiety you feel over getting that raise at work or landing that new position you really desire. Sure, these situations have some stress and strain related to them, no doubt about it. But they’re not the real deal when it comes to full-strength pressure.
The pressure I am referring to is not your day to day, namby-pamby version of life’s daily demands. Rather, I am talking about palm sweating pressure that can shatter your nerves, crush your will and knock you to your knees — if allowed to do so. Pressure that comes at you full force, in life changing, break or be broken moments when everything is laid on the line.
“You never will be the person you can be if pressure, tension, and discipline are taken out of your life.”James G. Bilkey
On the other hand, if you typically stay in control when adversity smacks you right in the chops, chances are good that you are an individual who generally responds to problems when they occur. By staying cool, calm and collected, even when the heat is turned up past the boiling point, you’re better able to focus on finding a way around, over or through the obstacle placed in your path. Responding rather than reacting is the name of game when dealing with pressure.
Think about it for a moment. Let’s say you’re not feeling particularly well and the doctor prescribes some medicine for you to take. If your body responds to the medication, chances are excellent that you’ll be up and around in no time at all. However, if your body reacts to the prescription, you can actually end up worse off than before you took the medicine. The same principle applies to daily life.
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