Attitude is one of the most important elements in life. It applies to every sphere of life, including one’s personal and professional life. Everyone has a potential in life, and a positive attitude will go a long way towards achieving that potential. Can an individual be a good manager without a good attitude? Can an individual be a good speaker without a positive attitude? For that matter, can a person be a good parent without a good attitude? The answer to all these questions is a clear, “NO”. The foundation of success in life, regardless of your chosen field, is attitude.
In a survey carried out by Harvard University in 1994, Chief Executive Officers of major corporations in North America were asked the question, “If you had a magic wand and there was one thing you could change in your company to make it more effective, more productive, more efficient, and more competitive, what would it be?” The majority answered, “the attitude of my employees”. This finding is complemented further in the study when they asked companies, what was the main criteria used when staff were recruited. They answered that 85% of the time, the main criteria was attitude, and 15% of the time the criteria was skills, experience and other factors. It is clear from the above, that attitude plays a critical role in the success of individuals as well as organizations. All the above is as relevant in a Malaysian environment as it is in the American context.
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