The Weasel
The weasel takes more credit than he deserves and dodges responsibility for his failures. To make matters worse, he’s so good at this that his boss believes he’s a star performer.
On working with the weasel
Direct, face-to-face, adult-to-adult communication is probably risky here. This person is usually verbally skilled and in possession of highly developed blame, denial, projection and word-twisting skills. You may hate it, but you can consistently, privately and in front of the thief, let your boss know what you are accomplishing. Brace yourself and learn to blow your own horn.
As well, you don’t need to be nice, social or inclusive with this individual. Sharing the minimum amount of information with this person is an option.
As well, you don’t need to be nice, social or inclusive with this individual. Sharing the minimum amount of information with this person is an option.
Another option is for a group of employees to conspire to expose the weasel, but this isn’t for everyone. If you go this route, you have to keep doing it consistently until the person starts to do their own work.
If all else fails, and you can stomach it, take ’em on and confront them directly.
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