
" What we are today is result of our own past actions ;

Whatever we wish to be in future depends on our present actions;

Decide how you have to act now.

We are responsible for what we are , whatever we wish ourselves to be .

We have the power to make ourselves.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Turn Destructive Into Optimistic Thoughts

Although you are growing comfortable and confident in your abilities in your current job, you will need to build up your confidence level to a degree that will help you advance forward. Increasing your confidence level will give you the ability and confidence to try your best in new situations.

As humans grow older, we tends to see the outer world from which learn many things and get it to our habits. Absolutely, there is nothing which we cannot alter. Hw we believe establishes our lifestyle. So we need to imagine properly! Previous to knowing the "right strategy to think", first point we need to know is what is our imagining process? How are we imagining things? Is our own thought optimistic or pessimistic. Analyze yourself to some magnitude earlier than you keep reading. For instance, consider an earlier situation and analyze what did you do in that situation, the feelings you had in that time so on.

Our mind thoughts are the same which doesn't transform overnight. What we are feeling today we will think another day and what we had thought yesterday are our today's thought. It may sound a little strange but this is the reality. Therefore if we can cultivate optimistic thoughts in today's life we will definitely think beneficial tomorrow and the day after. And the sooner you will see it as your habit which would lead you to live a constructive reality. The human mind doesn't realize all by its own, it cannot identify reality with false. It will considers whatever guidance you allow to it confidently. If you want to get good scores in mathematics and you are genuinely weak in it declare to your brain "I am good at mathematics" repeat this statement until your brain believes you are good. It is difficult to ensure it is believe in first few shots because all these years you have been telling your mind "I am poor in mathematics". Now false it before you make it.

To begin developing beneficial thinking you should learn more from publications. Written books are the most useful friends of life in case unfolds the lovely thoughts as you start to recognize it. At the initial stage be choosy of the courses you read. Another great advantage in reading the publications is that "It provides you with the answer in the question of time". Good books solves your living puzzles as it enables you to learn from others mistakes. Furthermore you are able to hang a postcard or wallpaper with positive mind quotes on your room. Place it in a place where it would certainly be noticeable to your eyes throughout the day.

Whenever you see those constructive quotes without much of your attention your brain tend to keep it cleanse by burning away the bad thoughts.

To make the brain believe beneficial it doesn't mean we have to just keep our mind from the destructive thoughts. Basically what we must do is turn those destructive thought into a optimistic thought. If your mind say "I will be unsuccessful" there are two ways to make this statement into a beneficial note "I will not fail" and the other "I will pass".

The word NOT is a harmful note, not failing is doesn't meant you pass right? You can also refrain from writing the exam. So avoid negative note in your statement. And I am sure you will achieve great heights.

Have You Reached Full Human Potential

Have you reached your full human potential? By far, too many souls have lived their lives wandering aimlessly about in hopeless despair. Each day, people awaken to a new day but dwell on the same problems from days, months, even years before. Worry and anguish seem to top the lists of those constant procrastinators and apprehensive individuals who would rather give up on life than find the positive it has to offer us all.

I present a good example of the full human potential: Over 3 years ago, I found myself in a very harmful situation. Not only was my life at stake, but my mentality, emotional sense and overall well-being was on the brink of major catastrophic malalignment. Here I sat -- an emotionless wasteland filled with destructive thought patterns. Not only was my rational effected, but my physical health was at a total loss. Bound to a wheelchair, I was instructed to take a wide spectrum of prescription drugs that were going to "help" me.

Day by day, I had to take pills that would possibly spark my nerves to get me walking again; pills that would reduce muscle spasms; pills that would "reroute" nerve signals; pills that would line my stomach from all of the other pills; "happy" pills that helped for my "depression;" pills that helped calm my nerves; pills that stopped any seizures; pills that helped for fluid retention; pills that stopped my nausea from all the other pills....the list was endless.

I had to literally have people call me to remind me of which pills I had to take next, or I'd forget to either take them or take too many of them. Most of the time, I was a rolling zombie. I couldn't sleep at night because of restless leg syndrome. I couldn't sleep during the day because I was afraid I wouldn't wake up.

Beside the injury that left me permanently physically impaired, my finances were in total shambles. I could no longer work the labored jobs I was used to doing. This was and still is no longer an option for me. Instead of freely driving whenever I want to, I always have to let someone know when I'm going and where I'm going...just in case my legs or arms decide to go out on me. My left eye has recently been effected by my nerve damage so when I peer at a computer screen or a familiar face, I have to focus with my right eye; as double vision has become a recurring event in my life. My back and buttocks tend to sporadically get hit with shockwaves of electrical, spine tingling numbness. When that happens, I can count on one or both of my legs quitting on me. And it happens in some of the worst of places too. I can go shopping at the local grocery store and viola -- my leg simply stops working. Or better still, try going to Sunday mass and suddenly I'm holding on to aisle pews and railings because one or both legs decided they weren't going to cooperate that day.

People will ask me, "how can you live like that?" That's simple. I've learned to live to my fullest human potential. No, I can't do all the things I used to do. But instead of focusing on all the things that I "can't" do, I refocused my thinking on the things that I "CAN" do.

A little dog taught me a valuable lesson in life. We had our beloved "Bell" for nearly 5 years when she suddenly died of amyloidosis. (A genetic disease) It was right after she died that I experienced my first episode of paralysis. This came shortly after our roof leaked and destroyed all of our entertainment components in our built-in wall unit, and after I lost my means of employment. What a time!

"Bell" was always the girl who came and perked me up and gave me hope with her loving affection and undying devotion. I was beside myself with grief. The first few days after she died, I wasn't prepared to adopt another animal. But suddenly I had a change of heart. My husband drove me two hours away to adopt a new "girl." She wasn't Bell, but she gave me hope -- thus, I named her "Hope." She made herself right at home and her mannerisms were just like Bell's. We had chosen the perfect dog to not only help us all get over our grief, but help me to get on with my own life as well. As we watched her grow and become an important part of our lives, I felt that I had to improve my own life.

After nearly dying from a potent drug-induced seizure, I decided on my own that I was no longer going to take all the pills prescribed to me. Although I went against doctor orders, I felt like the drugs were having a more negative impact on my life than good. Eventually, I met an individual who taught me how to use stretch bands to build my muscles and regain muscular coordination. Soon thereafter, my nerves began to kickstart and I soon began to walk again. Time seemed to drag by as I slowly regained the ability to manipulate things more efficiently with my arms and hands. By the power of faith and an undeniable willpower to survive, I did.

I could've laid in that hospital bed that evening when I almost died and allowed death to succumb, but I CHOSE life over death. For the first time in a very long time, I wanted to live -- at all costs. After months of physical, emotional, spiritual and mental transformations, I found myself back in the workforce. It was administrative work, but I was actually getting around and feeling great. But physical episodes still haunted me and led me back to the homefront.

I discovered a powerful force within myself during times of my greatest, disabling moments in life. One of them being that I geared my thoughts toward literature. Suddenly, I was being published in anthologies and the Who's Who of World Poetry. Then came my own book of inspirational poetry. Time, although unforgiving, allowed healing to occur in more ways than one. Suddenly, I was propelled into volunteer work where my literature was being used for National tributes, monuments and charitable organizations. Suddenly, I was doing the things that God had intended me to do -- write. And write, I did.

Do I still have the physical disabilities? Yes. Do I still go numb and see double? Yes I do. But what I've found through my own shortcomings is that there is an unexplored abundance of hope, transformation and opportunities -- that before lay stagnant in the pools of yesterday's bittersweet sorrow. Are you living life to your fullest human potential? Seek within yourself for strength, perserverence and inner faith -- the rest will follow.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Increasing Your Will Power In You

The importance of will power is recognized by most people, yet few deliberately give anytime or thought to its development.

Learning how to build and direct our will power is a fundamental requirement for increasing the mighty power of our self confidence. We each have a personal responsibility to make the most of ourselves here and now.

Strengthening your will power will confer many advantages and great power. Think deeply upon the satisfaction that will come to you from doing things definitely and promptly, and the increased self confidence that will surely follow from the habit of finishing everything that you undertake in a thorough manner. Not only will developing a strong, well-directed will power give you a daily advantage, it can also help you to realize your life's ambition.

Our will power, no less than our other powers, is given to us for intelligent development. As we realize this divine responsibility, we shall see the vital importance of will power and make an increasing effort to build it for high and definite ends. "The education of the will," says Dr. Morell, "is really of far greater importance, for shaping the destiny of the individual, than that of the intellect; and it should never be lost sight of by the practical educator."
Intensity of Desire
There are many things we desire to avoid - such as poverty, pain, misfortune, and ill health; while there are things we much desire to have - such as wealth, power, knowledge, and independence. It is, however, the intensity of our desire that counts the most.
Here is an example...

"I desire to become a good tennis player," says one.

"How strong is your desire?" asks the teacher. "Will you practice regularly every day for an hour?!"

"I don't think I can," says the student, "because I am too busy during the day, and at night I am too tired."

"What personal sacrifices are you ready to make?"

"None," is the answer.

"Then," replies the teacher, "your desire is not strong enough to make you a good tennis player."


Now sometimes an idea must be repeated many times before an enduring impression can be made upon your mind. This is illustrated in modern methods of advertising. The first time you see an announcement, it may not impresses you. But if it is repeated again and again, in newspaper, magazine, television - there is a magic number of impressions that will lead you to become a purchaser.

Mental habits are established in the same way. A suggestion is made to your mind once, twice, a hundred, or a thousand times. Some day this repeated suggestion will become a fixed habit, an fulfillil its duty subconsciously. Simple reiteration is a very powerful tool.

For example, if a shy person were to repeat aloud for a few minutes daily, with earnestness and concentration, a list of words such as courage, valor, bravery, gallantry, intrepidity, pluck, backbone, and audacity - he or she would shortly find these qualities being incorporated in his or her own personality.

The Dark Side
We must be particularly careful about outside influences (the Dark Side for us Star Wars fans). Once a certain course of conduct is decided upon after mature consideration, we must block out and not yield to the interposition of negative people and naysayers who advise an altogether different course. Many people that tell you something won't work or otherwise attempt to divert you from pursuing your goal, only do so because they too would like to attempt the same or a similar goal - but do not have the will power strong enough to overcome their fear of failure.

The fatal habit of procrastination should be fought persistently. You must do things promptly, clearly, and systematically! Instead of permitting ideas, plans, and goals to lie about the mind in confusion, like scattered papers on an untidy desk, they should be classified, "pigeon-holed," and put into their proper places. Then take them one at a time; give them due consideration, and complete them in a satisfactory and orderly fashion. Doing things gradually in this way, strengthens the will power and, at length, renders it capable of great achievement.

To begin is often half the battle. Don't say "I shall start tomorrow," forgetting that "tomorrow" never comes. For many people, procrastination has conspired to fritter away a whole lifetime in needless and unproductive tasks - due not to lack of ability, but due to weakness of will power. Goethe says:"Seize this very minute. Whatever you can do or dream - you can begin it."

"Where there is a will, there is a way"

It is surprising how difficulty yields before a strong and earnest will power. A little more resolution and effort, a determination "to do or die," and the seemingly impossible is accomplished. No one should allow temporary failure to disarm or discourage him or her. A "too easy" success would hardly be worth the winning. It is the realization of difficulties overcome, of opposition conquered, and of great heights scaled that bring satisfaction to the mind and joy the heart of the victor.

If you have read this far, then you definitely realize that developing your will power is a fundamental requirement for increasing the mighty power of our self confidence.
-How strong is your desire to acquire this great power?

-Is it strong enough to lead you carefully to read more suggestions and to put them into actual practice?

-Will you enter upon this study with intense earnestness and perseverance?

-Will you make reasonable sacrifice to achieve this great end?

Your answers to these questions will largely determine what your success will be. In fact, I have come to believe that without strong will power and self confidence, it will very difficultlt to be successful at anything.

Very Importance For Taking Action

Enjoying a good life is common to us all. We all want the same things, good health, positive relationships, fulfilling career, and enough money to live comfortably. But, there are others that want a life of abundance and prosperity. These are the ones that have dreams of doing great things, having successful businesses, visiting interesting places, meeting extraordinary people, and having the ability to help others financially.

If you are going to enjoy a life of abundance and prosperity it will require some action. This should be obvious. But, sometimes the obvious is frequently overlooked.

You didn't get to where you are today without taking some sort of action. So, it makes sense that if you have a vision in your head about where you would like to be in the future, it will require action.

The problem with most people is, even though they may have the knowledge to do some particular thing, they lack putting the necessary action behind that knowledge.

We often hear that "knowledge is power." But, knowledge is really only power in reserve. It remains useless if it's not tapped into by applying action. Knowledge that is not put to action remains just knowledge in your head and provides no benefit. It's completely wasted.

To accomplish results, we must couple our knowledge with the necessary action to attain results. The formula for achieving results is: Knowledge × Action = Result. If you were to apply massive action to your knowledge, it would have a faster, and even greater impact on your life.

Why is it that most people find it difficult to put the necessary action behind their knowledge? I believe it is nothing more than a lack of belief.

Your belief system is the driving force behind your behaviors and your results. If you can change your beliefs, you will change your behaviors. When you change your behaviors, you will change your results. Then, when you change your results, you will change your life.

It all starts with your belief system. Jesus said, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes" (Mark 9:23).

Now, many things can keep one from believing. But, I think the biggest factor that keeps one from believing is fear. It is a fact that it takes courage to succeed. But, keep in mind that courage isn't the absence of fear, it's the ability to press on despite the presence of fear. Many times, the solution to any fear is simply to do the thing you fear. It's amazing how the fear will disappear!

The smallest of actions, even the ones that seem trivial and insignificant, can lead to great success. It's been said that, "Actions, like pictures, are worth a thousand words."

Without action, you could have the greatest idea and the greatest plan in the world and you would still fail. Whereas a modest idea and an incomplete plan often produces success when accompanied by enough action.

You just got to get moving. Sir Isaac Newton's principle that states a "body at rest tends to remain at rest and a body in motion tends to remain in motion," definitely applies to the action principle. Once you've taken the first step, the next steps seem easier to take.

It's a natural law that if you do nothing, nothing will happen; if you take minimum action, results are going to be minimal; but, if you take massive action, then you will be rewarded with massive results.Hugely successful people, the kind who go from mediocre to millions almost overnight, know that the major key to their success was taking massive action.

If you want to become hugely successful you must start at the beginning. Most beginnings are small, and appear trivial and insignificant, but in reality they are extremely important.

It's not only the right beginning that is important, it's beginning in the first place. It's about applying that powerful little six-letter-word called "action."

The Discipline of Self Disciplining

First you establish your goals, and then you enforce a strict set of disciplines necessary to cross the finish line of achievement. Every act of self-discipline moves you toward your goals, and every exception takes you off course.

You may be tempted to pooh-pooh away this statement as something so obvious, however before you do, ask yourself this important question: "Based on my goals set, am I ahead, on or below target?

The answer to that question is directly tied to your willingness and ability to remain focused on the key actions necessary for success.

The FACTS are simply this; you are either buying or selling. If you are on, or better yet ahead of target than you are a seller. You have sold yourself on the importance of discipline and have stayed focused in spite of the world of options and temptations that circle you all of the time.

If you are below target than you are a buyer. You have bought the same excuses that have led so many others down the pathway of mediocrity. The things you buy are procrastination; lack of discipline and whatever else is your poison of choice.

Remember this absolute rule of discipline; "If you don't discipline yourself, you are sure to be disciplined by others". Don't believe me, huh? Chew on this, run up your credit cards real high, be late on a few payments and see how quickly those companies are to teach you a thing or two about discipline.

I repeat, "If you don't discipline yourself, you are sure to be disciplined by others".

To CREATE HISTORY you must become a seller. Sell yourself on the power of your goal; your vision for what is possible. To REPEAT HISTORY all you have to do is continue to be a buyer. Buyers consume not only products from the store but also excuses from their minds. It, meaning success and failure all begins within the parameters of your own mind and the disciplines of your behavior.

We are all walking, talking power struggles: head vs. heart…intellect vs. emotion. Many leave the steering to their emotions and merely bring their intellects along for the ride. Your goals or your excuses, which is running the show in your life?

Contrary to popular belief, freedom does not arise from "letting it all hang out;" freedom is the result of a personal triumph over excuses and bad habits. Excuses such as procrastination are like toxic waste to your potential.

To experience true freedom, you must prove to yourself that you are the master of your own destiny. Never are you less free than when you are held hostage by your excuses and lack of discipline. When lack of discipline and excuses rule, enslavement and mediocrity, not freedom, follows!

Bad habits are the gravitational pull of your emotional life, and overcoming them is not easy. Change is challenging. Surrender is tempting, and it gets tastier with practice. The good news is that it takes less energy to remain disciplined than to regain it.

The only bad news about self-discipline is that it is so easy to give up. Every compromise in behavior (nice word for excuse) greases the wheels for another compromise. Make a personal "no exceptions policy," and stick to it.

Self-discipline is an act of cultivation. Self-discipline requires you to connect today's actions to tomorrow's results.

There's a season for sowing, a season for reaping. Self-discipline helps you know which is which.

Winners prepare and anticipate behind closed doors. Lay the groundwork for success carefully: Effective preparation and self-discipline are closely allied. Do your homework. Since most people are rarely well prepared, you will often succeed by default. When opportunity presents itself, burst out of the starting gate, sprint to the finish line, and take home the prize.

Do what needs to be done. Quality living requires you to make difficult choices and sacrifices; it demands that you do the hard work first. You cannot arrive at true success without making the trip.

Self-discipline is a habit. It is not situational, but it is applied situation by situation. Anyone can be self-disciplined on occasion, but to get consistently positive results requires consistency.

It is the day-in day-out practice of self-discipline that determines where you'll end up. After all, a lifetime is an accumulation of moments, days, weeks, months, and years.

What you do during each moment counts and influences the degree to which you judge your life to be a success. If you aspire to achieve your goals, you must be prepared to play every play as though the two-minute warning clock is running. Every move is significant. Every move counts!

Everyone struggles with self-discipline. The question is not "Do I…" but "Where do I need to exercise greater self-discipline?" The discipline you establish today determines the successes you'll enjoy tomorrow.

The strenuous life tastes better. When it comes to self-discipline, a key driver of success, EVERYTHING COUNTS!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

leadership lessons

My view of the crisis in regards President Mubarak of Egypt is a very simple one that has taken place many, many times in the history of mankind. Hosni Mubarak, a previously ‘good’ leader has outstayed his tenure and has therefore been forced out, because he has not delivered in terms of the economic and social development of Egypt. Like all leaders, he had a shelf life and the problem was he was not aware when he passed it or else he did not care that it had expired. And once you pass your shelf life, you can only go downhill. He has now paid the price, as has Egypt.

The corporate world can learn a lot from this episode. CEO’s and Presidents of companies must also realize that they are never, ever indispensable. They all have a shelf life and must know ‘when to let go’. For example, Puma was a leading sports brand from the 1930’s onwards. In the eighties and early nineties however, its market share and profits declined considerably. The reason for its demise was very simple; market conditions and consumer taste had changed, but the philosophy of Stefan Jacobsson, the CEO had not changed in tandem. In February 1993 Stefan was replaced by 30-year old Jochen Zeitz whose arrival was like a ‘breath of fresh air’ to Puma. The rest as they say is history. Puma has now regained its position as one of the leading sports shoe brands in the world. Like Stefan Jacobsson, there are many business leaders who either refuse to accept or don't recognize when it is time to move on. They only go when someone shows them the door.

Bill Gates and Jack Welch are shining examples of corporate leaders who knew when to step down. Gates handed over to Steve Ballmer in June 2008 to concentrate on his philanthropic interests. Jack Welch in turn handed over GE to Jeffrey R. Immelt in 2001. In both instances, I am most certain that as brilliant as they were, they knew that their successors could bring the organizations onto another higher level, because they had different personalities, ideas, leadership skills etc. This in a sense takes the highest form of leadership i.e. a leader knowing when to step down to make way for another for the greater good of the organization.

In the corporate world, there are some areas that can send clear signals that there could be a need for change or a change in leadership
• Sales growth. When sales go down or remains stagnant for a certain period of time, it means that the organization is either not offering the ‘right’ products or else has an outdated and ineffective sales system. Remember Hankyu Jaya and Mun Loong in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman in Kuala Lumpur. They were the key retailers of apparel in Kuala Lumpur in the eighties, but sadly do not exist anymore.

• Drop in terms of market share. If competitors who were behind you are now ahead, it means that they are doing the ‘right’ things. Playing catch up is always difficult. Remember Makro, the first hypermarket in Malaysia. They did very, very well initially because they were a monopoly. However when Giant, Tesco and Carre Four came, Makro found that they could not be competitive enough as they continued with their outdated business system of having member cards, compulsion to buy in bulk, not allowing children in etc

• Innovation. When was the last time the company developed a new product or thought about improving its own products/services? Kodak for example, was the creator of the digital camera technology. However to protect the photo film industry where they had the biggest market share, they did not bring this technology into the market until their competitors did, and by that time it was too late.

In that context, good leaders always strive to develop other leaders as they are aware that by developing new leaders, they are ensuring continuity in the culture and strategies of the organization. Importantly, they are surrounding themselves with a good team of able and qualified leaders who will assist greatly in ensuring the continued viability and profitability of the company in the future. How I wish President Mubarak had been told of this by his inner circle or possibly they did, but he did not listen!!!

Thank you very much for reading this newsletter. I do hope you have found it fruitful. May all of you have a great month in March!

